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Cuba Eve—3/2 evening

By March 3, 2018March 5th, 2018No Comments

‘Twas the night before Cuba

And all throughout Verb Ballets

Dancers bounded and babbled in a packing soirée!

…I could keep going with the poetry but I don’t want to lose any newer readers to my terrible rhymes and puns yet. Don’t worry, there will definitely be more as the blog progresses😏

That being said, lemme tell you about my soirée🙄

After I woke up to a still powerless apartment, I went to a fellow company member’s apartment and did laundry I needed for the trip. Thanks Mai!! You and your fabric softener are the bomb! After hanging my tights all over the dressing room to dry, I had company class followed by a public rehearsal of “Yarini”, the ballet we will be performing with the Prodanza company in Cuba. The choreography still feels very new, so it was a little nerve-racking, but it was a lot of fun overall (plus all of the dancers got to eat the extra cheese from the reception–score!). Thanks to everyone who came!

I then went back to my still powerless and freezing apartment to pack…only took me 6 hours, 8 candles, and a bunch of hot tea to make it happen! Below you will see a picture of the final product with my cute boyfriend wearing his winter gear and our adorable yet slightly alien looking dog (Leia doesn’t do well with flash). I miss them already!

Now I’m signing off for 4 short hours of sleep made possible thanks to fellow company dancers Omar, Nata, and Antonio, who have generously allowed me to crash at their place so I don’t turn into an ice dancer before Cuba. Thanks so much, guys! I enjoy watching ice dancing in the Olympics, but let’s just say I am ready to get out of icy CLE and into hot Havana.

Eeeep! It’s happening!!! Here we come, Cuba😎
