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Opening Night—3/8

By March 10, 2018No Comments
Well that just happened! My cast didn’t even dance tonight but I am still super excited because of how smoothly the production went given all of the last minute changes and variables. How cool is it to be a part of a company that can come together and pull something this massive off in such turbulent conditions? I work with a bunch of problem solvers👌Great dancing Cleveland Havana Ballet!
I also had a really nice day leading up to the show. It started with the consistently delicious made-to-order breakfast prepared by Yunia, the other “Casa Particular” hostess where the majority of the company is staying. Guayaba, papaya, and pineapple, oh my! Throw in some freshly squeezed watermelon juice, a banana mango smoothie, yogurt, eggs, sautéed veggies and Cuban coffee and I am in heaven every morning by 9am🙌
 Since my cast didn’t perform today, I decided to use the free time to take a long walk. Adventuring in new places is absolutely one of my favorite things☺ And adventure I did! I ended up seeing monuments, walking along the Malecón (one of Cuba’s most famous walls that lines the ocean along its northern coast), going with Lieneke to an authentic Cigar house accompanied by a kind neighbor of our Casa Particular, and visiting El Museo del Revolución. I feel much better acquainted with Cuban culture after learning about historical events from their perspective. What persevering and spirited people!
Today also happened to be “La Día de la Mujer” or “Women’s Day”. I saw women with flowers and sweet treats all over Havana and received lots of felicitaciones and flowers of my own🌸 I loved that women are treated with such respect here (and according to exhibits I saw in the Museum of the Revolution, Cuba has a strong history of equality among the sexes)!
And now it’s time for me to try to get some rest before my cast performs tomorrow. I can hardly wait!