Dance Showcase

Join us for a celebratory evening of dance, Dance Showcase presented by Terry and Sheldon Adelman, featuring many of Northeast Ohio’s finest dancers. This year, Playhose Square is thrilled to present Dance Showcase as part of the Dance/USA 2019 Annual Conference and to showcase these fine artists in front of industry leaders from across the country! Featured Companies ABREPASO Flamenco/Alice Blumenfeld, Cleveland State University Dance Program, ELEVATED, GreeneWorks Project, GroundWorks DanceTheater, Inlet Dance Theatre, Neos Dance Theatre, Shri Kalaa Mandir and Verb Ballets. Plus a special guest appearance from BalletMet. Dance Showcase is an official event of the Dance/USA 2019 Annual Conference.
June 13, 2019 7:00pm
Playhouse Square
KeyBank State Theatre
1519 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
FREE but tickets required
KeyBank State Theatre
1519 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115