”Choreographer Kate Webb explores innovative digital techniques overlaid within traditional stage performance newest work envisage.
May 17-19, 2018Fresh Inventions at Cleveland Public Theatre
What does the title of your new work mean?
en·vis·age ~ contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event.
How would you describe your movement style?
Swirling movement cast upon a geometric structure (with some groove thrown in).
How do you begin making a dance?
Finding music. I believe the relationship between music and movement is sacred and indisputably interdependent.
You are utilizing video projections in your work. How did you go about creating those?
I filmed footage of the dancers in the studio, outside, and in the theater. I then used various movie editing apps to slow them down, adjust their coloring, crop them, and reverse them. Finally, I imported them into iMovie and edited the full projection into one cohesive file including all 3 music tracks.
How would you define innovation?
The golden stuff that comes from using an unconventional perspective as the source for thinking/doing.
Which of the field trips involved with the choreographic research project inspired or sparked creativity?
As much as I loved going to NASA, (outer space is the neatest🤓!) working with Gary Galbraith at Case Western Reserve University was the most inspiring for this specific dance/tech mission. One of my favorite things is finding out how much I know absolutely nothing about. It keeps me humble and thinking. Holograms in dance? Infrared light sensors? …So much to discover!
What you are looking forward to in 2018 as a dancer and choreographer?
As excited as I am for the continuously innovative dance scene of the future, the thing I’m looking forward to the most remains consistent and grows in intensity with every passing year—and that’s my love of dancing! I genuinely can’t wait to be immersed in another full year of movement, choreography, and performance. Every additional year I get to dance is a gift in countless ways. Cheesy but true!

Don't Miss!
Verb Ballets
May 17-19, 2018 7:30pm
Cleveland Public Theatre
Tickets: $12 Thurs $30 Fri/Sat

Kate Webb
Dancer and Choreographer
Kate Webb grew up in Richmond, Virginia where she danced both as a student and as a trainee with Richmond Ballet. She trained around the country at numerous intensive programs such as Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet, Boston Ballet, and Complexions Contemporary Ballet. Upon graduating from Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for the Arts, she attended Butler University on both dance and academic scholarships. While dancing with Butler Ballet, she performed in Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. After fulfilling her degree in three years, she graduated cum laude in May of 2015 with a BS in Dance-Arts Administration and high departmental honors. Kate joined Verb Ballets in 2015 and has been featured in works such as Peter Pan and Aposiopesis.