Verb Ballets’ Spring Series’ program to feature Adam Hougland ballet
”"The biggest challenge with this piece is the partnering and the transitions between couples"
Jill Marlow KrutzkampRepetiteur and original cast member

Photo Susan Bestul
Fresh off a successful tour to Cuba in March, Cleveland’s Verb Ballets travels a bit closer to home to make its debut at the University of Akron’s EJ Thomas Hall this Friday, April 27.
Their Spring Series program will showcase three works from their repertory plus the Northeast, Ohio premiere of Princess Grace Award-winning choreographer Adam Hougland’s ballet “K281”.
Originally created for Cincinnati Ballet in 2007, “K281” takes its name from Mozart’s “Piano Sonata No. 3 in B-flat major, K. 281” that the ballet is set to. The 14-minute piece for 3 men and 3 women says repetiteur and original cast member, Jill Marlow Krutzkamp is full of quirky contemporary dance movement a la choreographer William Forsythe.
The ballet also assigns each of its 3 couples their own personalities. The first couple says Marlow Krutzkamp, has a fun, free relationship, the second couple’s music is slower and the mood is somber, and the third couple, the music gets faster and they have a funny relationship where the woman moves like a rag doll.