When COVID-19 delays their wedding day, company dancer Kate Webb teaches the Don Quixote Wedding Pas de Deux to her fiancé. Kate has danced in the company since 2015. She and her fiancé , Alex were planning on getting married in September 2020 but had to postpone the wedding. While devastated by having time in the studio paused she was happy to spend more time with him. Being home together, she needed a new dance partner. Alex has stepped up to find his new skill in ballet partnering and now have several pas de deuxs to choose form as their first dance.
After generous virtual applause, dancer Kate Webb’s fiancé Alex Berk makes his second debut during the stay at home order. Here is his interpretation of Albrecht in “Giselle”.

Kate Webb
Kate Webb grew up in Richmond, Virginia where she danced both as a student and as a trainee with Richmond Ballet. She trained around the country at numerous intensive programs such as Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet, Boston Ballet, and Complexions Contemporary Ballet. Upon graduating from Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for the Arts, she attended Butler University on both dance and academic scholarships. While dancing with Butler Ballet, she performed in Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. After fulfilling her degree in three years, she graduated cum laude in May of 2015 with a BS in Dance-Arts Administration and high departmental honors. Kate joined Verb Ballets in 2015 and has been featured in works such as Peter Pan and Aposiopesis.